My photo
New Orleans, Louisiana, United States
Hello to all, my name is Eddie Reyes, designer, photographer and independent journalist, I live in New Orleans, Louisiana, beautiful city, beautiful people, beautiful architecture land mark, ART-PHOTO-ARCHITECTURE, it is a contribution in general to the art, photography and the architecture. here I will have a bit of everything, examples of each one of the reasons for which I fall in love with these city, well enjoy and please leave your comments, since they are important for my, All photos on this page were taken by my, thanks.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


LEJOS....! My new book to be published in November 2011, is a set of sub-realist tales of everyday life, joys, sorrows, comings and goings of its characters.

LEJOS....! Mi nuevo libro a ser publicado en Noviembre del 2011, es un conjunto de cuentos sub-realistas de la vida cotidiana, alegrias, tristesas, idas y venidas de sus personajes.